Vocal Zones Choir are delighted to report that charity concert for the RNLI on Friday 10th May was a huge success. The weather was kind to us and the sun shone down on the Orpen Hall in West Bergholt. The hall was full of a very appreciative audience who joined in the singing to songs like Sailing and My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean. We were so happy to see so many smiling faces and to learn at the end of the evening that the ticket sales and subsequent donations raised £1,109 for the RNLI.
Concerts cannot happen without people working behind the scenes and we have to say thank you our Chair, our committee members and some of their partners. We also have to say a special thank you to our musical director Emma for her dedicated hard work and enthusiasm and to Mary for her beautiful piano accompaniment. Lastly, we would like to say a huge thank you to all those people who supported this concert and donated so much money to the RNLI.
We have now returned to our fun singing sessions on a Tuesday evening at 7pm in St Mary’s Church, West Bergholt. Why don’t you come and join us? We always welcome new members.